Exciting demonstrations at the BMC 2018

We were attended at the Bangalore Microscopy Course (BMC). Together with Dr. Erik Manders from Confocal.nl and Aurox, we had exciting reactions from both the workshop participants and the researchers of the NCBS. Together with our local partner, Cornell Scientific, Erik continued his tour and had lectures and discussions in 7 other India cities as…

HIVE centres during the EMBO and LSFM Dresden

 HIVE, the solution for Big Data handling, was centered during the EMBO course in Dresden, preceding the LSFM. All participants used the HIVE till late night, in order to analyse and visualize their big image sets at high speed. The images were acquired with the Luxendo Light Sheet systems and the HIVE was equipped with multiple storage…

Unique InVi Application in Science

The uniqueness of the InVi light sheet system was published in Science. The observation of chromatic spindles gave breakthrough results on parental chromosomes occupying two half-moon-shaped parts in the nucleus of two-cell embryos. This was only possible by development and utilization of the InVi. Please find below the Press Release of the EMBL from the…

Curious about Light-sheet Microscopy?

                    How it compares to confocal imaging… What are researchers currently doing with light-sheet… Register for this webinar and find out!   Webinar overview In this webinar, we will discuss the benefits of light-sheet fluorescence microscopy as a gentle bio-imaging technique and show how it can…

MuVi-SPIM Lightsheet microscopy workshop held in China

With more than 30 researchers and students from different research groups gathered for the lightsheet microscopy workshop held recently. It was jointly organized by SANE Asia, TWinter, and Luxendo. The MultiView lightsheet microscope (MuVi-SPIM) workshop and demonstrations have received positive responses in University of Science and Technology of China. With Dr. Li Xiaoyu from Luxendo’s presentation of lightsheet…