Can the images acquired from MuVi SPIM be directly imported into software such as Imaris or Arivis for 3D display/analysis?
We have a Luxendo image registration and fusion tool as a separate software application that allows to register and fuse in the simplest case two opposing view stacks (as acquired with our two cameras) but also opposing view stacks taken from different angles (thus at least 4 stacks). And then the fused image stack can be imported into Imaris or Arivis for further 3D display or analysis.
What is the typical processing time for image fusion (e.g. the fusion of 2 image stack of 2048x2048x200 will take x seconds).
The time required for a fusion of the 2 stacks (mentioned above) depends also on the contrast and content of the images. A typical time would be 120 s. The software team is working on a GPU-based implementation to speed this up significantly.
Can the 405nm laser be used? It’s not specified in the Luxendo documents.
Currently the 405 nm laser is not supported in the MuVi-SPIM, because of the chromatic aberrations coming along with UV light and because most of the optical components including the objective lenses are specified for a typical spectral range of 440-750 nm
What is the actual scanning speed per image and z-speed? Is the z movement piezo-driven?
The rate-limiting step of the MuVi-SPIM acquisition speed is indeed the camera. Z movement is facilitated by a so-called Piezo crawler which is effectively a Piezo stage with a travel range significantly increased to up to a few mm (different for x, y, z, please see the specs in the flyer). At minimized exposure time the full-frame readout speed is 65 fps (both cameras and thus 2 views simultaneously). Note: With a next firmware version, cropping of e.g. to the central quarter of the chip (1024×1024) will increase speed accordingly by ca. a factor of 2.
Field of View is 0.54x0.54mm in xy. How large can the z travel be?
The current z travel range is 1.2 mm and is limited by the space available between the objective lenses and some safety buffer to not bump the sample into the lenses.
What are the applications suitable for InVi SPIM?
Cell biology, especially early stage long term embryo development, including human embryo development, due to the extremely low photo-toxicity of the InVi system.
Who are the competitors and what is InVi-SPIM's unique advantage?
Technically there is no real competitor of InVi-SPIM on the market. Application wise, spinning disk system has similar target areas with InVi-SPIM. As compared to Spinning Disk system, the advantage of light-sheet microscope including higher speed, deeper field of view, and low photo-toxicity and so on.