Conference in Kunming, Bootcamp in Taipei

14-21 Oct 2018 was an extremely busy but exciting week for SANE Asia, our partners and many other researchers. 第四届全国发育生物学大会(The 4th National Developmental Biology Conference) was held from 14-16 Oct 2018 in Kunming, China, with the focus on Development, Regeneration and Diseases. While前瞻顯微技術實作研習營 (Short Course in Frontier Science and Technology) happened on 17-21 Oct 2018…

Successful first installation of InVi and HIVE in NIBS, China

On 26 Oct, the first unit of Inverted Lightsheet microscope (InVi-SPIM) from Luxendo was successfully installed in National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS), Beijing. HIVE from Acquifer was also installed side by side with InVi as the central storage and processing power horse for lightsheet microscopic images. Dr. Xi Rongwen (, whose main research is…